Phoenix, AZ, August 22, 2022 – TapRoot Interventions & Solutions (TapRoot), creators of digital caregiver assistant Ella℠, is expanding its innovative platform to Fellowship Square-Mesa. Fellowship Square-Mesa is deploying Ella to support care partners and is in alignment with Fellowship Square-Mesa’s approach to person-centered care for their residents, including those with expressive episodes sometimes associated with Alzheimer’s and Dementia.
Ella is a HIPAA-compliant, cloud-based digital solution for senior living communities and the aging-in-place market. Unlike static health record applications, Ella provides point-of-care interventions to advance care partners efficacy and resident wellbeing which results in enhanced engagement with the Care Partners and improved resident care.
”Ella automates for the Care Partners how to best care for a Resident during Expressive Episodes and puts the data at caregivers finger tips as well as help me advocate for the Resident’s comfort,“ states Fellowship Square-Mesa’s Assisted Living Director Tawnya Williams-Christensen. Fellowship Square-Mesa’s Executive Director, Jon Scott Williams added, ”We’re excited to launch Ella and looking forward to accessing the reporting function that the platform generates.“
“The culture established by the leadership team of Fellowship Square-Mesa is an ideal fit for Ella,“ says TapRoot Co-founder and Chief Clinical Officer, Dr. Linda Buscemi. ”We’re looking forward to a long partnership with this amazing team of people.’
TapRoot is an awardee of the Arizona Innovation Challenge, Arizona Commerce Authority’s business planning competition, and a recent winner of Venture Madness, Arizona’s longest running venture summit competition and finalist for Unicorn Pitches Arizona.
About Fellowship Square-Mesa
Center of Aging Excellence™ in senior living
Today’s senior living adults look for innovation and vision. This supports their tradition of faith based American values when selecting a senior living community. We have chosen to be a “Center of Aging Excellence” by constantly looking for ways to meet the needs of our community residents. We allow them to “Celebrate Life” at all stages of their lives.
A Christian Care Company
Founded in 1979, a handful of devoted Christians recognized an opportunity to minister to Arizona seniors – particularly those with little financial resources. Realizing the need, they formed a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and named it Christian Care.
“Cast me not off in the time of old age: forsake me not with my strength faileth.” Psalm 71:9
It all comes together here, the freedom to pursue what you desire, and freedom from the things you don’t. Learn new skills, meet new friends, or just relax in a Ramada with a good book… live each day as you choose.
About TapRoot Interventions & Solutions Inc
TapRoot, creators of digital caregiver Ella℠, is the first personalized care management platform designed especially for caregivers of persons with cognitive deficits. Ella elevates the caregiver with evidenced-based behavioral approaches to mitigate behavioral expressions of persons with Alzheimer’s/dementia and mental illness. Using extensive data points, Ella deploys a 12-year history of successful interventions and considers medical history, physical ailments and even demographic data to further target interventions and enhance its machine learning processes. Ella is the first validated personalized behavioral database supporting population health management principles while enabling outcome measures for long-term care operators and payers.
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